Pleasant Mount Emergency Services

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  • Become EMT Certified

  • Mass Casualty Incident Basic Training
    Tuesday Apr 16 2024 - Noon until 8 PM
    EMS of Northeastern PA Councel, 169 Centerpoint Blvd, Jenkins Township PA 18640
    Free of Charge! Lunch and Dinner provided!!
    This course will review common MCI principles, lessons learned from prior incidents, and hands on practice utilizing scenario based training.
    Instructors: Chris Greb and Chris Peischl
    Registration is required! (click for brochure)

  • Previous events are archived here: 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

  • Donations securely accepted online via PayPal!
    You can use your own PayPal account, or make a donation directly using your credit card or bank account (where available) without the need of a PayPal account. Visit our Donate page to make a donation to PMES.

  • Be aware of the Steer Clear Law
    The 'Steer Clear' law requires drivers to move over or slow down when they encounter an emergency scene, traffic stop or disabled vehicle. This law will help prevent injuries and save lives, but only if drivers follow the law and use common sense. A brochure is located at the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Web Site.
    Pennsylvania Vehicle Code Law:
    3327. Duty of driver in emergency response areas.
    (a) GENERAL RULE.-When approaching or passing an emergency response area, a person, unless otherwise directed by an emergency service responder, shall:
    (1) pass in a lane not adjacent to that of the emergency response area, if possible; or
    (2) if passing in a nonadjacent lane is impossible, illegal or unsafe, pass the emergency response area at a careful and prudent reduced speed reasonable for safely passing the emergency response area.

    (b) PENALTY.-Any person violating subsection (a) commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not more than $250.
    (b.1) SUSPENSION OF OPERATING PRIVILEGE.-The department shall suspend the operating privilege of any person for 90 days upon receiving a certified record of the driver's conviction, adjudication of delinquency or admission into a preadjudication program for a violation of subsection (a), if the certified conviction indicates the violation resulted in serious injury to another person. The license shall be surrendered in accordance with section 1540 (relating to surrender of license).
    (c) MARKING.-An emergency response area shall be clearly marked with road flares, caution signs or any other traffic-control device which law enforcement officials may have at their immediate disposal or visual signals on vehicles meeting the requirements of subchapter D of Chapter 45 (relating to equipment of authorized and emergency vehicles).
    "Emergency response area." The area in which emergency service responders render emergency assistance to individuals on or near a roadway or a police officer is conducting a traffic stop or systematic check of vehicles as long as the emergency vehicle is making use of visual signals meeting the requirements of subchapter D of Chapter 45.
    "Emergency service responder." An individual acting in an official capacity as police officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, coroner, deputy coroner, firefighter, fire police, fire marshal, medical examiner, deputy medical examiner, rescue personnel, ambulance personnel, towing and recovery personnel, highway maintenance and construction personnel, hazardous material response team member or emergency medical service personnel.
    "Serious injury." A personal injury resulting in death, serious impairment of body function or permanent serious disfigurement.

  • Smart911 - Are you prepared?
    A free service - Provided by your community.
    Private and secure - You control your information.
    Saves time in an emergency - When seconds count.
    Susquehanna County 911, under the direction of the Department of Public Safety, is proud to announce the release of the Smart911 program to our Emergency Responders. This program will give the residents of our county the ability to provide life-saving information to our Dispatchers which can be extremely beneficial in assisting both you, the caller, and all of our Emergency Services. Currently this additional information would not be readily available otherwise and can include information on children, pets, elderly family members, details unique to your residence, and other medically important information. All information is voluntary and provided by the resident and secured to 911 emergency calls only. View their brochure here.
    PMES members are an important step in a planned roll-out culminating in the release of this lifesaving tool to the residents of Susquehanna County. At this time, they are requesting all of our Emergency Responders to please go to and create your Safety Profile for you and your family members. Once created, this secured information will appear ONLY in the event you call 911 in an emergency. When you sign on to the website, there is an abundant amount of information on this fast-growing option in calling 911..
    They thank you in advance and welcome your feedback. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact Susquehanna County 911 at
      The Importance of Indoor Location to Emergency Response (RAVE Mobile Safety)
    • 70%+ of all 9-1-1 calls that come from mobile phones.
    • 4 out of 10 American Adults live in wireless-only households.
    • 10-95% have an unreliable chance of getting a quick fix on a mobile caller's location.
    • The majority of wireless calls now originate indoors, where people spend 87-90% of their time.
    • 4 min - There is a 35% greater mortality rate in cardiac patients when response time is over 4 minutes.
    • 80% improvement in indoor location accuracy from using app-level location data from Smart911.
    • The FCC estimates 10,120 lives saved per year with proposed location accuracy improvements.
    • 11 minutes, along with the life of a Michigan man, was saved in responding to a house fire where Smart911 Location information was provided.

NIMS (National Incident Management System) Training Program defines who needs what level of training:
    All Responders -  IS-700  & ICS-100
    Line Officers    - add ICS-200 & ICS-300
    Chief Officers   - add ICS-400

 IS-700   NIMS, an Introduction — min 8 classroom hours OR interactive Web-based course
ICS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System — min 8 classroom hours OR interactive Web-based course
ICS-200 ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents — min 12.5 classroom hrs OR interactive Web-based course
ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents — about 24 classroom hours
ICS-400 Advanced ICS — about 16 classroom hours

Pennsylvania Access To Criminal History (PSP P.A.T.C.H.)
PA Child Abuse History Clearance TRAIN PA is a gateway into the TRAIN Learning Network, a catalog of public health training opportunities for professionals who serve the citizens of Pennsylvania. TRAIN is a free service for learners from the Public Health Foundation.

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